Meet Kerri Wolters


What drew you to dropgym?

I had never heard of dropgym till I came with some friends. I also had never worked out in a gym in my life. I didn’t want to face it at the time, but I needed a safe place to work on myself. Dropgym became the place. I didn’t have to be or focus on anything else except for myself. Being with dropgym has healed some areas of my life, changed my attitude, and made me embrace who I am.

What are 3 or 4 things that bring you JOY?

The Beach: Sunshine, breeze and hot sand.
My Kids: I love the way they love me, I love watching and being apart of their accomplishments.
Laughter: It’s my cure all. I find laughter in lots of things sometimes when it’s not appropriate but if I’m upset, stressed, anxious a good deep laugh helps remove that from inside me

A day in the life of me…

I refer to it as organized chaos. I am a wife, mother, and leader of roughly 125 people daily. I am always on the go at both home and work, and to stay in the game I do a daily cold plunge and my hour at the gym.

Describe yourself in 3 words.

Peaceful, free-spirited, and blissful.

What’s the bravest thing you’ve ever done?

A 17-mile bike ride around a lake when I was 6 months pregnant. I wasn’t sure I could do it and I don’t know where the energy came from, but I did it.

What’s one thing you’d want the woman working out next to you to know about you?

They truly inspire me. I enjoy working out with every one of them. Laughing, sweat, tears, all of it fills me up.

In one year from now, what would you like to wake up feeling/thinking every day?

I want to continue to wake up feeling gratitude and peace. This is a tough world, and it’s made so many people hard on the inside. I want to continue to surround myself around people who support me and fill my cup.


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