Meet Meaghan Aubuchon

What originally drew you to dropgym?

I had a friend who had just finished Tribe 4 with Camp17. The way she described the character of each of the women and the relationships she had with them drew me in. I was newer to the Rogue Valley and needed connections/friends in my life. This friend invited me on a group walk with some of these women from the gym. I am very much an introverted extrovert and I wanted to say no to the walk, but I decided to give it a shot in hopes of starting my own connections. Here I am 6 years later, and I have made some of my best friends in this space!

What's the bravest thing you've ever done?

One of the bravest things I have ever had to do is come face-to-face with my trauma and choose to work through it. Choose to go through the emotions, the tears, the anger, the heartache and the pain in order to see healing on the other side.

What's one thing you'd want the woman working out next to you to know about you?

I am and will always be your biggest cheerleader. I want to see you succeed inside and outside the gym. I want to see you push yourself to find victory. I want to see you lift that extra 5#. I want to see you do what you thought was impossible. When you do, know that I am celebrating YOUR victory with you.

What is one part of yourself you really love and one part you want to have more self compassion toward?

I love my positive attitude. My ability to almost always find a silver lining in a situation. Even on the darkest days in my life or a loved one's life, I can almost always find the smallest ray of sunshine and cling to it as hope.

I am still learning how to offer myself Grace. In the moments when I feel failure I am learning that sometimes I just need to extend that Grace and understand my capacity in that exact moment.

What’s a day in the life with Meaghan look like?

Oh boy, this is fun!

A day in the Life of Meaghan:

6am - Dropgym workout with my ladies

7:30am - Take my 9 year-old son to the bus for school

8:00am - Drop my toddler off at daycare

8:15am - Caprool my daughter and her friend to Middle School

8:30am - Pop into work for a little bit.

12:00pm - Head home to make my Husband lunch and enjoy a quick 1/2 hour of child free conversation

1:00pm - Back to finish working

3:00pm - Pick my Daughter up at Middle School

3:30pm - Pick my 9 year-old up and take him to baseball practice and head back to work

5:00pm - Leave work to pick up my toddler at Daycare

5:30pm - Pick my son up from Baseball

5:45pm - Get home and start dinner for the family.

6:30pm - Dinner

7:00pm - Get the kids ready for bed and clean up the kitchen/nightly chores

8:00pm - Bedtime for all three of my kiddos

8:15pm - Slowly drift off to sleep on the couch while watching my Husband's favorite show or sport with him.

I love my life and the crazy and often chaotic schedule we keep. Dropgym is like the charger to my battery that keeps me going all day long. :)

What’s your favorite movement and is there a movement in the gym that has spoken to you or changed how you approach life?

I LOVE DEADLIFTS. Yes, that required all capitals. I used to despise deadlifts. I could never do them just right and it limited my ability to lift heavy which made me feel weak. Once I learned that they required connection to every part of my being I started to love them and felt so strong. When I learned to connect to my body, feel my muscles and call myself to attention, it was amazing to see my capacity and strength grow. This has carried over to so much in my life. I can often feel weak when the reality is that I am strong and I just need to make that connection to myself.


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