Meet Sasha Timen

What originally drew you to DropGym?

My hairstylist had been going and asked me if I had been to the gym. I had heard of Camp17, but didn’t know that there was a gym associated to that program. I had recently lost my house to the Alameda Fire in September 2020 and was staying with friends and didn’t have a space to workout. Prior to the fire, I had been the most consistent I’d ever been with my physical fitness. I knew that I needed to get some good, challenging physical activity back into my life to deal with the trauma. Joining a gym that was focused on women and had classes sounded like the place I wanted to be. The rest is history!

What are you most proud of yourself for facing at the gym?

The box jump! I’m still working on it but that thing scared the heck outta me. Then one day it was on the board and I was like, “welp, it’s now or some other time, may as well be now!” So, I took a deep breath and just trusted myself to do it and when I got on the top of the box I was so stoked and knew I could do more than one.

What is one part of yourself you really love and one part you want to have more self compassion toward?

I love how I am a friend. It is something that I’ve worked really hard at being better at after feeling like I failed so many people. I just made the decision that I wanted better friends so to have better friends, I needed to be a better friend! I love the journey that I’ve been on to cultivate that part of me and how it has manifested amazing people in my life.

One part that I wish I had more self compassion toward would be my self-talk. I tend to go to the negative very quickly when talking to myself or about myself. I want to have more grace and compassion for who I am and who I am developing into.

What’s a day in the life with Sasha look like?

Hmm…. This is a tough one as an entrepreneur because every day is different but I try to keep some consistencies in there to develop routine and stability. I start my day with a time of journaling, reading and personal development. I am a graphic designer and a yearbook rep so I work with people all over the state either in person or via zoom. Often I’ll have some sort of touch point with a teacher and/or class somewhere in the state doing some form of training, catching up or giving them a pep talk. As a graphic designer, I have all sorts of clients and will be working on a design gig getting work out for review or finalizing for whatever they need the design for. After work, I will usually get in some sort of movement whether it is going to the gym, a walk, or a home workout. I’m pretty extroverted so the evenings usually include some sort of hang out with my friends or spiritual community. And then… prep to do something like that all again the next day!

Are there any fears you’ve had to overcome on this journey at dropgym?

Yes, absolutely! I feel like almost every time I go to the gym there is something to overcome. Whether it is limiting beliefs of what I can/cannot do, areas that I feel inadequate in, or just the general feeling of not wanting to be seen and just be a “fly on the wall” and “get through the workout.” One thing that I love about this gym though is there is space to actually go through every emotion imaginable and the response is ALWAYS “that’s ok” from the girls. The other day after completing a workout, I was doing a cool down walk and I just kept hearing the word “power” when I walked back toward the gym. It is so cool to be able to apply the feeling of what your body is saying to what you just activated. Pushing through the fears to get to what your body/mind needs is where I see the most change and empowerment.

Who’s one of your greatest superheroes/ role models?

Without a doubt, my parents. My parents have been spiritual leaders, parents, and teachers for my entire life. They love big, accept people, and want to see people succeed even if it means they have to “step out” of the “limelight”. They are the truest example of perseverance, humility and leadership.

What are 3-4 things that describe the feeling of “JOY” for you?

Being with my family, especially the littles (nephews/nieces); vacation at the beach; hiking/being in nature; good conversations and dinner time with my people.


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