Meet Them! (Part 2)

Meet Serenity

What’s your favorite movement in the Gym? 
Swinging on the rope! I love challenging myself to get to the second mat.

What do you love about coming to DG Girls? 
It feels like a family! At school I dont have alot of friends, but when I come here I am excited to see everyone because it feels like I’m a part of a family. Everyone is so friendly and says hi to me.

What are you proud of?
When I did the sandbag carry it was 40lbs, I dropped it alot the first time, and on the second time I only dropped it a few times!

Meet Anastine

What’s your favorite movement in the Gym? 
I like when we carry or push things around the building for the contribution workout. It helps you get stronger and helps you know how to work in a team together.

What do you love about coming to DG Girls? 
It’s very special for me to see everyone here because I get to see some new people and old friends.

What are you proud of?
The box jumps. It's tough and every time I think I can’t do it, but actually I do! 

Meet Felicity

What’s your favorite movement in the Gym? 
Skin to cats! It’s where you hang on to the rings and then flip backwards, and if you can you flip back.

What do you love about coming to DG Girls? 
That I get to see everyone here, I like being their friend and that they are my friends.

What are you proud of?
Last week on floor presses I got 45 lbs, every time before that I only had gotten 35lb. I had expected to do 35lbs again because I don’t do them a lot and then I was like “wow”!!

Meet Terrea

What’s your favorite movement in the Gym? 
I love the bike!

What do you love about coming to DG Girls? 
My favorite thing is that you can talk to people about whats going on and you can trust people. It’s like a big family and we all trust each other and we are all kind to each other.

What are you proud of?
When we were floor pressing I got up to 75lbs!

Meet Zoey

What’s your favorite movement in the Gym? 
Floor Presses

What do you love about coming to DG Girls? 
I’ve made a lot of friends and it does feel like family. I get to laugh a lot and I don’t feel like I always have to be serious all the time.

What are you proud of?
I’ve built a lot more endurance. At track practice I ran a 5k!


Meet Jennifer Stewart


Meet Them!