Meet Becky Maddox


What originally drew you to join Camp17?

I was at a pretty low point about 3 years ago. I was in the “diet, gym, binge, berate, belittle, repeat” cycle. I had been living in survival mode for too long. A friend signed up for Camp17 and told me I had better not leave her hanging! The connections have kept me coming back. I’ve never been anywhere, outside of my own house, where I feel like I belong.

Who is one of your greatest superheroes / role models?

My Grannie! She filled the role of mom for me when mine decided she wanted a different life. Her unshakable faith through cancer, a devastating fire and many other trials of life were amazing! She made friends with everyone she met and shared her love for Jesus fearlessly. And, she loved her family endlessly. I pray every day to be able to love like she did.

What brings you joy?

When both of my adult daughters come home and we have everyone under one roof. Sitting around a bonfire telling stories and laughing with family and friends. Christmas lights and little twinkle lights...I love them!

What’s your favorite movement? Is there a movement in the gym that has spoken to you or changed how you approach life?

My favorite movement is anything with a sandbag. No matter what the movement is, I always feel like such a badass when I’m done! The sandbag carry has changed how I approach life by showing me that I’m stronger than I think I am, and when I feel like giving up, I just have to “do something different.”

What is one part of yourself that you really love, and one part you want to have more self compassion toward?

I love that I’m always up for an adventure! Need a hiking buddy? I’m your girl! Wanna go on a road trip? I’ll bring my playlist! As long as we’re not skydiving or bungee jumping, I’m in. I’m working on showing myself compassion when I make a mistake. I can beat myself up and go over it in my head for days.


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