Meet Indi Rennick-Hayes

What are you most proud of yourself for facing in the gym?

Myself. I have never been a very physical person, which was just something I assumed was a personality trait. But it wasn’t very long after I started at dropgym that I realized it wasn’t that at all. I didn’t like being physical, because there was a lot of my person that I had been running from for a long time. And it’s pretty hard to run from yourself when you have a sandbag or are doing a rope pull. Being at the gym forced me to be present in and with myself. Showing up and meeting myself again and again has built a trust with myself which has probably been the most rewarding thing I have ever experienced in my life! 

What are three things that describe the feeling of JOY for you?

  1. Being in the trees or out under the open sky and looking up and getting that overwhelming feeling of knowing your spot in the middle of everything. For me, there is such a peace and safety that comes with being small in that space.

  2. When I wake up early in the morning and the sun is just coming up and all the birds are out, and everything smells new.

  3. Being in a room with the people I love and listening to all the sounds we make and the things we do when we are alive together.

What’s your favorite movement? And is there a movement in the gym that has spoken to you or changed how you approach your life?

I enjoy all things sandbag. The practicality/intuition of the movements there just feel really grounding and good to me. It’s stretching every time, and because of that,  it is a place where my confidence in my capability and capacity is constantly growing.

In one year from now, what would you like to wake up feeling/thinking every morning?

I would like to start each day with more self compassion than the last. It is something I am working at growing in, because it definitely doesn’t come easy for me. It feels a bit like learning a new language, where I know one day it will make sense, but right now, it just feels like trying to remember a lot of things at once (which is an uncomfortably perfect place to start practicing). 

When you feel most safe, loved and like yourself, what are three words that describe you well?

  • Tenacious 

  • Curious 

  • Purposed


Meet Jennifer Stewart