Meet Niesje Lenae

What originally drew you to join DropGym?

I did Camp 17 (DG’s original program) in early 2017 right after moving to Medford from out of state. When I came to the program, the radiating life and authenticity of what Lu and Shantell were imparting impacted me. I had found people who spoke the same language. They were going after depth in the whole person- body, mind, heart, spirit- and their values were the same values that had moved me across the world several times in pursuit of true life. It was obvious these women had a key to the body that I had been searching for. I had done SO many years of work in my mind and heart- meditation, counseling, yoga, worship, prayer, therapy, retreats, schools, certificates, life coaching- but my body was the secret key waiting to unlock my healing.

What is one part of yourself you really love and one part you want to have more self compassion toward?

I really love my ability to attune with and see people’s hearts- I love knowing people deeply and helping them discover their unique identity. I would like to continue to have more compassion on my little inner child, and be more compassionate on myself when I’m learning something new.

What’s the bravest thing you’ve ever done?

Honestly it’s a tossup between moving to Australia when I was 18 to lead teams of teens into 3rd world nations (sorry Mom, lol)- OR moving my whole life on blind faith to Medford at 27, to pioneer my dream of a creative school and live-in community with friends.

What are you most proud of yourself for facing in the gym?

Running 13 miles, UP A MOUNTAIN! LOL. A group of us from the gym committed to do the Mt. Ashland Hill Climb this month. I have never done a run longer than 8 miles and honestly didn’t know I had it in me. It was cooooold- there was rain, hail, fog and snow, it was challenging…And I made it to the top! I even was able to run most of the way. I felt absolute euphoria at the end of the run and cried my eyes out. I felt so capable and strong and so proud of myself and the journey I’ve been on with my body. I honestly surprised myself with the time I made it in, and how much fun I had. It was an unforgettable milestone for me.

In one year from now, what would like to wake up thinking/feeling every morning?

I would like to wake up with total belief in my ability to take action. I would like to think “ I got this. Life is so beautiful! Anything can happen! I’m a badass. Today is going to be amazing because I am cultivating a life of joy, connection and creativity. I am ready to face whatever comes my way with adventure and soul. I am resilient,”

What actress would you choose to have play You, in the movie of your life?

Jennifer Lawrence, hands down.

What are 3-4 things that describe the feeling of “JOY” for you?

Belting full sonorous harmonies in a multi racial gospel choir, bike riding at golden hour, running through the forest and rain, traveling, mountain views, and dancing my a** off on a dance floor with people I love.

What’s one thing you’d want the woman working out next to you to know about you?

I would want her to know that this used to be one of my greatest fears in my life. That I feel so honored by every single woman who comes into the gym and allows herself to feel, release and do something new- that is the true work. This has been such a slow, steady process but it has transformed me! I used to be so insecure that I absolutely hated doing movement of any kind in front of people. If you told me 10 years ago that I would belong to a women’s gym and be passionate about working out and my body- I would not have believed you! I spent the first part of my life so disconnected from my body, uncoordinated and avoiding any thing that smelled remotely like movement. I had a lot of trauma in my body from years of intense reactions in the home I grew up in. I wrestled with my self image and capability so deeply and I had poor self worth. This journey of loving myself and re-connecting with my body has absolutely changed my life! I feel so strong and able for the first time in my life. Adventure, joy, and new dreams have been the natural byproducts. So much trauma that could never have healed through counseling has been identified and rewired in the gym. I used to feel powerless, ashamed and ugly- now I feel powerful, shocked by my own capacity and beautiful. There is still more connection and growth to be had, but truly, tears come to my eyes as I think about how Dropgym has changed my life. I want all the women out there to know - YOU are so much more capable than you have even imagined! Give yourself a chance,

When you feel most safe, loved and like your true self, what are three words that describe you well?

Adventurous, passionate, vibrant.


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