Meet Trish Wilcox

What originally drew you to join DropGym?

I joined Drop Gym back when it was Camp17 because my friend was doing it. All I knew was that it was some sort of wellness Boot Camp. I figured, how hard could it be? It’s only six weeks of my life. Maybe I’d lose a few pounds Hahaha. That’s cute…. Joining Drop Gym turned out to be one of the bravest things I’ve ever done. The second I entered the gym I knew my life would never be the same. I was given the opportunity to fight for ME and I was in! 100%! My first day was my 40th birthday and I remember being so hungry... I was searching for self-worth, self-respect, self-control, identity, motivation, strength, compassion, friendship…. ALL THE THINGS! And from the very first day, that very first work out, my journey began!! Every day I am stronger! I have self worth, self-respect, identity & motivation! I am strong, I am compassionate, and I have made the very best friends! THANK YOU LU & SHANTELL!! You believed in me when I didn’t believe in myself! You fought for me until I was able to fight for myself!

What’s one thing you’d want the woman working out next to you to know about you?

I want the woman working out next to me to know that I believe in her and I’m rooting for her! We are better together!!! I tend to be competitive but only because I believe we all push a little harder when we are challenged in a loving and healthy environment! I am constantly challenged to do better and give more by the women working out next to me…. I have never known a more loving or healthier environment than what has been cultivated at Drop Gym. I am a better and stronger person because of the lifelong friends I have made at the gym. #wemetatthegym

What is one part of yourself you really love?

One of the things I love most about myself is my ability to laugh and spread joy! I have been told my joy is contagious, and I think that’s one of the best compliments I’ve ever had! I try to intentionally connect with others… sometimes all it takes is a kind word or a genuine smile for someone to feel seen and loved. I know what it’s like to be left out. I moved around a lot as a child and went to far too many schools. I never really had a group of friends to call my own until I was an adult. I never want anyone to feel that hurt. I want everyone to know they are seen and loved and welcome!!

Whats your favorite movement? And is there a movement in the gym that has spoken to you or changed how you approach your life?

My favorite movement in the gym is probably jump roping! It makes me feel like a kid again, so innocent and carefree… I did competitive jump rope for a short time between fifth and sixth grade. I loved it! HOT FEET — that was the name of our jump rope team! I still remember my routine to Jump by Van Halen!

My most challenging movement at the gym is literally anything with the sandbags. Running away has been my default… when things get hard - go the other way, switch lanes, start something new….. but it is impossible to run away when you’re carrying a sandbag! It literally weighs you down and forces you to be present and face the challenge in front of you. Sandbags have taught me so much about myself and how I handle stress. I love and hate them equally!! I am never excited to see sandbags programmed for the days work out, but I’m always a better person for it!!




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