Meet Kaylene Brown

In one year from now, what would you like to wake up thinking/feeling every morning?

A year from now I would like to wake up feeling proud of the person that I am. Not that I don’t love myself now, but there are things that I am currently pushing through and a year from now I want to be proud of the decisions I have made over the last year to make myself the best version of me. I would also like to wake up thinking that I have improved from the day before and not stuck. There is a phrase hanging on the wall in my bedroom that says, “even on the most ordinary days, you are still growing in meaningful ways.”

I want to wake up every day knowing that I am still growing.

Describe one memory where you felt the most like yourself and the most alive.

I was 26 or 27 when I learned how to snowboard, and that year I bought a season pass to one of the mountains in Colorado so my friends and I could snowboard a lot that winter. I learned how to actually carve my third time up and just learning how to do that opened up the full capabilities to the mountain to me. We went almost every weekend and the amount of thrilling rush and freedom you feel when you are gliding over the snow made me feel so alive. I didn’t feel like I had to prove anything to anyone. Except for maybe beating them to the bottom of the mountain.

What’s the one thing you’d want the woman working out next to you to know about you?

I want the woman next to me to know that even though I can put up a tough or funny exterior, I have a soft and passionate side that just wants to be seen, known, loved by those around me. I also have a side that will throat punch anyone who wrongs someone I love and care about. It’s called balance.

When you feel most safe, loved, and like your true self, what are three words that describe you well?


Peace-bringer (if you hyphenate, it’s just one word)


Are there any fears you’ve had to overcome on this journey at dropgym?

So many fears. I think the main one is being seen as weak. I don’t want anyone to see me as anything less than capable. I want to be the person who everyone sees as having a good sense of humor and will put her head down and finish the workout without any trouble. Because of that, I tended to choose an “easier” intention for the workout so I wouldn’t have to really give my all and potentially fail. I’m learning that it’s ok to “fail” because, if I gave my all, I didn’t really fail, I just found the edge of my capacity.

What’s your favorite movement? And is there a movement in the gym that has spoken to you or changed how you approach your life?

I think my favorite movement is a rope pull because it makes me feel really strong. The one movement that has changed how I approach life are the Turkish getups. With the TGU, you have to stay present in the entire movement. If you don’t, you could drop the dumbbell or not be able to stand up. You just can’t check out. I’m really good at checking out when things get hard or if I don’t want to deal with something. I’m working on staying present in tension and I am always reminded of that when I do a TGU.


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