Meet Kim Butcher


Describe yourself in three words?

Brave, Adventurous, and a lot of Fun!

What does consistency look like for you?

It looks like showing up even when I don’t feel like it.

What’s one thing you want the women working out next to you know?

That I am in this with them.  I am coming each morning to stand next to them and to push past barriers with them.  I have met some really incredible women over the past 5 years in this gym and I am honored to call them friend and honored to work out next to them.  They are one of the biggest reasons I come back each day.  

What is one part of yourself that you really love, and one part you want to have more self-compassion toward?

My laugh is something I really love! I love to laugh and I love that my laugh gets others to laugh. I need to have more self compassion toward my body. Too often do I get upset towards it and often shame myself for not being able to do something and I really need to love it and appreciate it more.  

What brings you joy?

  • Paddle boarding on a beautiful summer evening as the sun comes down on the water.

  • Sharing a bottle of wine with some friends.

  • The 4th of July. It’s my favorite day of the year! The friends, the food, the fireworks - it all brings me so much joy.

  • Running around Magic Mountain Six Flags riding as many roller coasters as I can in a day.

What are you the most proud of yourself for facing in the gym?

The day I did the whole workout breathing nose/nose.  We were doing weighted get-ups and on the ski for a certain amount of time and I stayed nose/nose the whole time and accomplished those get-ups better than ever before.  That was a proud moment for me - and it brought me to tears as I realized what I had completed.

What’s your favorite movement? Is there a movement in the gym that has spoken to you or changed how you approach your life?

Sandbag clean and press and punching the bag - my two favorite things to do in the gym. Jumping on the big box - that freaked me out and I didn’t believe I could do it.  With the encouragement of a friend, I did it and was so blown away.  It taught me that even though things look hard or even impossible, I can’t let fear stop me.  

What’s the bravest thing you’ve ever done?

I listened to God when He asked me to release something I loved very much - and I believed Him when He said He knows my hearts desire and has something even better for me.


Meet Vonda Allen


Run a 5K in 30 Days (and Feel Good Doing It)