Meet Katrina Wilson

What originally drew you to join DropGym?

Well, I attended the 2-day Shift event in early 2021 but was living in California at the time. I came feeling lost and stuck but by the end there was this feeling inside me, like when you walk outside on a cool, crisp fall morning and take in a breath of fresh air. I saw how Lu and Shantell were teaching wholeness and connection of our entire being - mind, soul, body, and spirit. Not just body, not just mind, but our full self and I immediately thought, “How do I get more of this?” I wanted to know more, learn more, and discover more. There is so much healing and freedom found in living from our whole being and I was eager to dive in to what they have cultivated in this space. Yep! You guessed it, I packed up my bags a few months later and hauled it up here to Medford, OR.

What is one part of yourself you really love and what is one area you want to have more compassion on yourself in?

I love how silly I can be and how childlike I am. I want to have more self compassion on myself when I don’t feel like “myself.” I have become more aware recently at how conditional the love I give towards myself is and I hope to become more compassionate towards myself in all the ways I show up. Even on the days I don’t feel like my true self.

What are you most proud of yourself for facing in the gym?

Staying in. I have a tendency to want to run when things get hard, or really just try to escape in any form. I am proud of myself for staying here, staying in, and allowing myself to be in the hard, engage with it and not run away from it.

What are 3-4 things that describe the feeling of “JOY” for you?

Swinging on a swing set/ playing on a playground!!

Being in nature, in water, in the mountains, outside in the sunshine.

Playing and laughing with kiddos

Playing board games with friends

What’s one thing you’d want the woman working out next to you to know about you?

When I’m comfy, I’m a goofball, with a hint of sass. But just a hint…and the kind of sass that comes from love, ya know?

Are there any fears you’ve had to overcome on this journey at dropgym?

Totally. I think overcoming my fears is definitely a process and there isn’t really an end necessarily but a journey to accept and experience (hence the need to stay in). Learning where the fear came from, tending to those parts of my heart and letting love in.

What’s your favorite movement? And is there a movement in the gym that has spoken to you or changed how you approach your life?

Picking a favorite is challenging, I have found so much joy in finding connection to different muscles in my body in different movements. The coaches are so creative and I love coming in and trying something new!

Oof. The zercher hold with a sandbag. I had an epic showdown with that but it was the beginning of a shift in my thinking. Honestly, it felt so hard and so stupid! I felt so threatened by it when in reality it was challenging parts of my person that I didn’t want to face, or acknowledge. I stood there with the sandbag and just heard all the lies that I have let rule my life. And in that moment, I knew I had a choice…to let the lies continue to rule my mind or do something different, believe something different. I knew right then I had to engage with the truth of who I am and release the “cone” or standard I had placed in my head that dictated who I am.

When you feel most safe, loved and like your true self, what are three words that describe you well?

Carefree, confident, witty/silly


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